

10 May 2014

Contextual Preloading for Ajax request.

I have just heard this from my friend @rajveerr about pre-loading at the global level, this concept is not new but I have just learned it.. Usually and I think everyone has done it before. People would do something like this.

$('#link1').on('click', function (e) {
    // Do some funky spinning wheel
        url: '/echo/json',
        success : function (data) {
            // Cancel that funky spinning wheel

And you have to do this for every single ajax request. So, here’s how you would do that in a contextual level.

The trick is that in each ajax request you need to add context option. I used zepto as an example but jquery should work the same. The reason is that is e.target behaves differently each browser. Also, usually Ajax request would be fired from #document level that means your e.target would be your </p>

$('#link1').on('click', function (e) {
        url: '/echo/json',
        <strong>context: e.target</strong>,
        success : function (data) {

By doing this if you want your pre-loader you just need to add .ajaxContainer class to your container.

Til next time,
noppanit at 00:00
